Class Payments
Field validations related to Swiss Payment standards.
Inherited Members
Namespace: Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Generator
Assembly: Codecrete.SwissQRBill.Core.dll
public static class Payments
| Improve this Doc View SourceCleanedAndTrimmedText(String, SpsCharacterSet)
Returns a cleaned and trimmed text valid according to the specified character set.
Unsupported characters are replaced with supported characters, either with the same character without accent (e.g. A instead of Ă), with characters of similar meaning (e.g. TM instead of ™, ij instead of ij), with a space (for unsupported whitespace characters) or with a dot.
Leading and trailing whitespace is removed. Multiple consecutive spaces are replaced with a single whitespace.
Some valid letters can be represented either with a single Unicode code point or with two code points, e.g. the letter A with umlaut can be represented either with the single code point U+00C4 (latin capital letter A with diaeresis) or with the two code points U+0041 U+0308 (latin capital letter A, combining diaeresis). This will be detected and converted to the valid single code point form.
If text
is null
or the resulting string would be empty, null
is returned.
public static string CleanedAndTrimmedText(string text, SpsCharacterSet characterSet)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | text | |
SpsCharacterSet | characterSet |
Type | Description |
System.String |
CleanedText(String, SpsCharacterSet)
Returns a cleaned text valid according to the specified character set.
Unsupported characters are replaced with supported characters, either with the same character without accent (e.g. A instead of Ă), with characters of similar meaning (e.g. TM instead of ™, ij instead of ij), with a space (for unsupported whitespace characters) or with a dot.
Some valid letters can be represented either with a single Unicode code point or with two code points, e.g. the letter A with umlaut can be represented either with the single code point U+00C4 (latin capital letter A with diaeresis) or with the two code points U+0041 U+0308 (latin capital letter A, combining diaeresis). This will be detected and converted to the valid single code point form.
If text
is null
or the resulting string would be empty, null
is returned.
public static string CleanedText(string text, SpsCharacterSet characterSet)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | text | |
SpsCharacterSet | characterSet |
Type | Description |
System.String |
CleanValue(String, out Payments.CleaningResult)
Cleans a string value to make it viable for the Swiss Payment Standards 2018.
Unsupported characters are replaced with supported characters, either with the same character without accent (e.g. A instead of Ă), with characters of similar meaning (e.g. TM instead of ™, ij instead of ij), with a space (for unsupported whitespace characters) or with a dot.
Some valid letters can be represented either with a single Unicode code point or with two code points, e.g. the letter A with umlaut can be represented either with the single code point U+00C4 (latin capital letter A with diaeresis) or with the two code points U+0041 U+0308 (latin capital letter A, combining diaeresis). This will be detected and converted to the valid single code point form.
If value
is null
or the resulting string would be empty, null
is returned.
public static void CleanValue(string value, out Payments.CleaningResult result)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | value | The string value to clean. |
Payments.CleaningResult | result | The result to be filled with cleaned string and flag. |
Creates a ISO11649 creditor reference from a raw string by prefixing the string with "RF" and the modulo 97 checksum
Whitespace is removed from the reference.
public static string CreateIso11649Reference(string rawReference)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | rawReference | The raw reference. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The created creditor reference. |
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException |
Creates a QR reference from a raw string by appending the checksum digit and prepending zeros to make it the correct length.
Whitespace is removed from the reference.
public static string CreateQRReference(string rawReference)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | rawReference | The raw string (digits and whitespace only). |
Type | Description |
System.String | The QR reference. |
Type | Condition |
System.ArgumentException | The reference contains non-numeric characters or is too long |
Formats an IBAN or creditor reference by inserting spaces
Spaces are inserted to form groups of 4 letters/digits. If a group of less than 4 letters/digits is needed, it appears at the end.
public static string FormatIban(string iban)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | iban | The IBAN or creditor reference without spaces. |
Type | Description |
System.String | The formatted IBAN or creditor reference. |
Formats a QR reference number by inserting spaces.
Spaces are inserted to create groups of 5 digits. If a group of less than 5 digits is needed, it appears at the start of the formatted reference number.
public static string FormatQrReferenceNumber(string refNo)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | refNo | The reference number without white space. |
Type | Description |
System.String | the formatted reference number. |
Indicates if the string is a valid QR-IBAN.
QR-IBANs are IBANs with an institution ID in the range 30000 to 31999 and a country code for Switzerland or Liechtenstein. Thus, they must have the format "CH..30...", "CH..31...", "LI..30..." or "LI..31...".
public static bool IsQrIban(string iban)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | iban | account number to check |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
Validates if the string is a valid IBAN number
The string is checked for valid characters, valid length and for a valid check digit. White space is ignored.
public static bool IsValidIban(string iban)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | iban | The IBAN to validate. |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
Validates if the string is a valid ISO 11649 reference number
The string is checked for valid characters, valid length and a valid check digit. White space is ignored.
public static bool IsValidIso11649Reference(string reference)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | reference | The ISO 11649 creditor reference to validate. |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
Validates if the string is a valid QR reference.
A valid QR reference is a valid ISR reference.
The string is checked for valid characters, valid length and a valid check digit. White space is ignored.
public static bool IsValidQrReference(string reference)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | reference | The QR reference number to validate. |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |
IsValidText(String, SpsCharacterSet)
Indicates if the text consists only of characters allowed in the specified character set.
This method does not attempt to deal with accents and umlauts built from two code points. It will
return false
if the text contains such characters.
public static bool IsValidText(string text, SpsCharacterSet characterSet)
Type | Name | Description |
System.String | text | text to check, possibly |
SpsCharacterSet | characterSet | Character set specifying valid characters. |
Type | Description |
System.Boolean |